Step By Step Guide To Learn Email Marketing For Beginners In 2023

How to master in email marketing in 2022

There are more than 4.3 billion email users worldwide. That means more than half of the planet use email. So if you want to scale your business you must start email marketing. Email marketing is very street forward than other social media platforms. I’m Arif from In this blog post, I’m gonna teach you the basics of email marketing.

So, How to become a master in email marketing in 2022? To be the master in email marketing you have to remember three steps: Build An Email List, Maintain List Health, Send Valuable Emails

I’m gonna explain all the steps in this article:

The first and foremost step for email marketing is choosing the right email marketing tool. There are many email marketing tools but all aren't good. If you are a beginner I'll recommend you these three tools GetResponse, Systemio, Moosend. You can use any of these. All these are beginner-friendly and cheap. These are the best email marketing tool I used before. After joining one of these email marketing tools these are the three steps to be a master in email marketing.

1. Build An Email List

How to master in email marketing in 2022

Building your email list is a very important rule of thumb and there is never buying or renting an email list. Actually, there are more rules, but let's focus on this rule now. Buying or renting an email list can lead to low open rates, bad branding, and even hefty fines from privacy protection agencies.

You can read my other article "How to build an email list" click to read.

what should you do to build a quality email list?

Well, here at GetResponse, I created a free e-book and my email list that users discovered while exploring the role of data visualization or how to be an influencer. Maybe you can give your service a free trial or an online seminar or other experience.

Everything you offer needs to be valuable enough to persuade users to participate with their personal email information. In addition to landing pages, most websites allow you to set up a pop-up to collect emails.

Set a time for users to appear on your site after spending some time indicating that they are receiving a price and may be open to more information. And if your business involves online ordering, make sure your customers are asked to pick up your email list when shopping.

Why is it important that users opt-in? 

Well, opting in users means they want to hear from you. This allows you to comply with the ever-strict anti-spam policies applied by the government and email services. A double opt-in is even more effective because it requires the user to open and click an automatic email when signing up. This not only prevents users from sending fake emails but also trains their email app to recognize quality messages from you. And with that, we just got to the spam folder. How you go about creating your email list will set the stage for future success.

2. Maintain Your Email List

Maintaining an email list is more important than creating an email list. This means periodically scrubbing your email lists to delete emails that bounce or addresses that never open your emails. A good rule of thumb is to scrub your list every 6 to 12 months. You may be wondering what is the harm in emailing people. Who will not open them? Why can't I make a conversion? I should be able to do it, right? Okay, another metric that the email algorithm determines if something is spam is the engagement ratio.

Engagement Ratio

The more emails you send that never open, the more email services will eventually classify your emails as spam. The good news is that despite this growing barrier to email delivery, the overall value of email marketing is actually increasing.

In 2010, the Digital Marketing Association returned 40 for every dollar spent on email marketing. By 2019, that return has risen to $ 42 for every dollar spent.

Why ROI has increased? The reason for the increase in ROI is the increased use of segmentation in email marketing. Segmentation means splitting your email list into smaller groups so that you can send content to each segment specific to their interests.

Demographic Segmentation

Location, company size, or anything else important to your business. But actual email managers use behavioral segmentation keys that are grouped based on how users have previously interacted with your brand. Things like previous purchases, life cycle stages, and customer loyalty. Creating triggered email streams for specific behaviors allows you to be responsive to your user needs. So it's no surprise that 77% of email marketing ROI comes from this type of segmented, targeted trigger campaign. This is the best tool for getting your audience the valuable content they want to open up because they know it's designed to interest them. Now is the time to move on.

3. Send Valuable Emails

How to master in email marketing in 2022

The average office worker receives about 100 to 120 emails per day. That's all. Of those 120, 40 are important business emails that need feedback. It is waiting for the attention of 80 other emails. The only way to differentiate is a super clickbait title for the subject line. This is an important tip. But the more important way to get out is to offer something that your customers want to click on because it somehow improves their lives. Think of a company that uses customers' past behavior to offer favorable discounts or recommend new restaurants. Or Spotify sends regular emails to keep users informed of new artists following them. These are great examples of valuable emails that customers want to receive and are happy to open. Whenever you make a recommendation to your subscriber, be sure to remind them of the activity that triggered the recommendation. In this way, they combine the good feeling of the previous experience with the new experience you offer. Now, when it comes to email, the convincing value starts with the subject line.

Value starts in the subject line

This may mean literally telling the recipient what they will get from opening the email. And try to make it 50 characters or less. Use those 50 characters at the top of the customer's interest. Don't give up everything in advance. Just make sure that whatever you tease on the subject line is actually delivered to the body of the email. No one likes deceptive clickbait subject lines. 69% of spam reports come from subject lines only. So be careful about the subject line.


Now, you can also use the preheader. The first few words in the body of your email are previewed to support the subject line in your inbox. Most email marketing systems will allow you to set a preheader when you enter the subject line, so you don't have to worry about changing the original body copy of your email. And always A / B check your subject line so that every email you send teaches you something for the next one. So all messages from your email list have been delivered. People itch to read what you send them. So what are you going to say? Here are some tips:

Tip #1

Keep text neat and simple with the main point up front: Use short sentences with lots of paragraph breaks. Sve those verbose-think pieces for your blog.

Tip #2

Write for your audience: Remember those list segments we made? This is why they’re so important.

Tip #3

Write in a friendly one-to-one style: This isn’t just a good way to treat your customers, it also helps for your email from getting tagged as spam.

Don't Spam

There are some types of spam trigger words that you should not use in your subject line when writing an email copy. You should run your email through a spam test before you send it to make sure your formatting punctuation and fonts pass through filters. There are lots of free spam checkers online that you can use. You’d be surprised how a few small changes can make a huge difference. So, when it comes to email marketing, sending valuable content in a consistent format to the users you want to get it from will allow you to run successful campaigns for next year.


Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies nowadays.
If you've made it so far in the article, I'll assume you're a marketer interested in mastering email marketing efforts.
If you do not have much knowledge of email marketing you should learn it first. Click to take a course on email marketing from the top email marketing experts in 2022.
It is good to remember that there is a huge difference between data and insights. While this article provides tons of data from relevant and trusted sources, it may not all apply to your specific situation. While you can take this information and use it to make practical decisions, take the time to develop your own data from your email marketing experience. From there you will be able to develop strategies based on how your listing responds to your marketing. Now it's time to master email marketing!

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